“Willistown United Methodist Church is a family of believers who welcomes all people, shares God's Love and serves as Jesus' disciples in the world.”

This is our Mission Statement. But how do we make it come alive?

Based on our Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) and the image of the church as the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-31), we seek to be the Hands, Feet, and Heart of Christ. This is shown in the ways we serve each other in Congregational Care, grow in faith and grace in Spiritual Growth, and to lovingly invite and attend to the needs of the world with Outreach and Mission.

  • The Hands of Christ: Congregational Care

    -Actively listening and reaching out to the friends and members of Willistown UMC

    -Understanding the needs of our congregation

    -Ensuring good communication between the church and the pastor concerning hospitalization, personal concerns, and other needs.

    -Establishing regular contact with shut-ins and others disconnected from the attending community

  • The Heart of Christ: Spiritual Growth

    -Finding opportunity to address spiritual needs outside our walls by making studies available to outside communities

    -Addressing the needs of this day in age, including mental health, through conversation and presentation

    -Providing relevant challenging and uplifting studies to foster ongoing spiritual growth, including bible and book studies

  • The Feet of Christ: Outreach/Mission

    -Actively seeking ways to make a difference in the community with our gifts and resources at Willistown UMC

    -Making community connections to continuously find and serve our community area

    -Learning the needs of and the people around us

    -Sharing our building and grounds with other ministries and service groups of our community

    -Combining our efforts with other congregations in mission in our area