Greetings, friend:
Welcome to Willistown UMC. We are glad you are here! Located on busy West Chester Pike between Newtown Square and West Chester, Pennsylvania, our church has been home to generations of seekers striving to be faithful to the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
As a small but determined congregation, our heart is in our home area. We outreach in many ways and seek to learn the needs of our neighbors. As Methodist people, we share Christ’s message of grace with the world. It starts with serving the people around us.
We are always learning what it means to follow Jesus Christ. We recognize that Christ’s first commandments are to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. We sometimes feel like we do well, and other times, we all fall short. But it’s not about how good we are. It’s about the journey of faith. We are not Christians who consider ourselves perfect. We are seekers after God who strive to grow daily. God empowers us to mature, even as we stumble along the way.
Come and see who we are as the “church on the hill.” We invite you to join us, whether in-person at our 10:30 AM service each Sunday morning or online via YouTube. Celebrate with our music. Connect with God in prayer. Consider anew God’s calling and be challenged by the Word proclaimed. And, in all things, we are blessed by our fellowship; we walk this path together.
I am excited to meet you and see how we can serve you, so we together can better serve the world. No matter where your journey has led you, you have a place here.
Rev. Jeff Richards, MDiv., MAPSC
Pastor, Willistown UMC